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Envision, Part I

Updated: Jun 30, 2023


Creating vision boards, setting intentions, envisioning what you want in your life, and manifesting are not therapy techniques, but they are popular avenues people are using to try to better their life and their life circumstances. They are ways to set goals and be clear about what you want in your life. This is the first blog in a two part series discussing ways to envision what you want and how to be clear about your goals. In part I, I will discuss why it is important to be clear about what you want. In part II, I will discuss how to be clear about what you want and will discuss simple techniques to help you.

Being clear about what you want and what you will accept in your life helps you stay focused and keeps you from settling on whatever becomes comfortable in the moment. Example: Say you want to write a book and travel. In fact, you have dreamed about this since you were a child. However, you make friends with those you grew up with, hang out with people you work with, and share time with those in your current neighborhood. No one else in your circle cares much about the book you want to write or about seeing other countries. They care about keeping up with the next car or house or child that comes along. They care about doing what others are doing each month, on the weekend, and for holidays. They are content right there. They seem satisfied. You have a choice - stay true to your dream or do what everyone else is doing. It is easy to go to work, meet for drinks, put kids in soccer, and do the things others are doing. But you are not satisfied. You feel like you should be happy, because you, like everyone else, have everything you need. Your kids are happy. You have nothing to complain about. But something inside you is dying a little each day.

This is the reason to be clear about what you want. Your core purpose, if I may suggest, is to be happy, satisfied, and joyful. Your purpose is to do things that bring you joy and to follow your heart. Yes, we have to pay bills, need to take care of our health, and should be there for our children. While doing things life demands, however, your purpose is to feel good. In order to do this, you do have to pursue things that bring you joy at your core - even if others do not care about the things that make your heart sing.

Coming to the realization of what makes you thrive, whenever that realization takes place, and no matter how many years have passed, is a beautiful thing. This is because it gives you direction and clarity that can move you toward more satisfaction and joy. We can be professionals, raise children, contribute to our communities and be in partner relationships, AND still be clear about what brings us the most joy. And, to be clear, no one else (friends nor lover nor kids) are responsible to fill that internal void for you. That's an inside job. That's why being clear about what you need and want has to be a priority.

Tune in for next month's blog for simple tips on how to gain clarity on what makes your heart sing.

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